my thoughts on all sorts of creative things

Archive for April, 2016

Scrap books

When I was a young teenager I always had a scrap book to write any nice sentences, which I liked from my reading, in books and magazines. When I moved to Algeria I had to leave them behind. Today, when I was tidying some books and magazines, I found some three scrap books I created in Algeria (I now live in the UK). Here are some photos of some pages. Sorry to readers who can’t read Arabic. The writing is lyrics from an Iraqi song, advice for the housework and patterns in knitting and crochet.


Quaggy quilts exhibition

This is my work from an exhibition, which took place in Catford yesterday. I put four pieces on display but the main two are from my Piece for Peace project. One is my work, which I finished on January 2015, and the other one is made up of contributions from many people (Iraqi, British and from around the world). I am still welcoming contributions (the squares are size 7” x7”).

World Ikat Textiles

Today I visited The Brunei Gallery, in SOAS University of London, to see the exhibition of World Ikat Textiles. The exhibition has over 200 items of unique ikat textiles from 24 countries including Argentina, Britain, Brunei, Cambodia, Chile, China, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Spain, Tajikistan, Thailand and Uzbekistan.

Baby blanket

I made this blanket for my new grandson.